Michael R. Markham |
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Publications Neurobiology Ban Y, Maltby RC, Markham MR (under review) Spike-frequency dependent coregulation of multiple ionic conductances in fast-spiking cells forces a metabolic tradeoff. BioRxiv manuscript. Nourbakhsh M, Markham MR (2021). Leptinergic regulation of vertebrate communication signals. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, 1946-1954. dx.doi.org/10.1093/icb/icab173 Saenz DE, Gu T, Ban Y, Winemiller KO, Markham MR (2021) Derived loss of signal complexity and plasticity in a genus of weakly electric fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224, jeb242400.
Chacron MJ, Markham MR (2021) Recent advances in electroreception and electrogeneration. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 15, fnint.2021.668677 Markham MR (2019) Biophysical basis of electric signal diversity. in: Carlson, B.A., Sisneros, J.A., Popper, A.N., Fay, R.R. (Eds.), Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), pp. 125-161. Swapna I, Ghezzi A, York JM, Markham MR, Halling DB, Lu Y, Gallant JR, Zakon HH (2018) Electrostatic tuning of a potassium channel in electric fish. Current Biology, 28, 2094-2102. Joos B, Markham MR, Lewis JE, Morris CE (2018) A model for studying the energetics of sustained high frequency firing. PLoS One, 13(4), e0196508. Markham MR, Ban Y, Budd AG, Maltby RC (2016). Energetics of sensing and communication in electric fish: A blessing and a curse in the Anthropocene? Integrative and Comparative Biology. Ban Y, Smith BE, Markham MR (2015). A highly-polarized excitable cell separates sodium channels from sodium-activated potassium channels by more than a millimeter. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114, 520-530. Sinnett PM*, Markham MR (2015) Food deprivation reduces and leptin increases the amplitude of an active sensory and communication signal in a weakly electric fish. Hormones and Behavior, 71, 31-40.. *undergraduate author Open Access PDF Markham, M. R., Zakon, H. H. (2014). Ionic mechanisms of microsecond-scale spike timing in single cells. Journal of Neuroscience. 34, 6668-6678. Lewis, J. E., Gilmour, K. M., Moorhead, M. J., Perry, S. F., Markham, M. R. (2014). Action potential energetics at the organismal level reveal a trade-off in efficiency at high firing rates. Journal of Neuroscience. 34, 197-201. Open Access PDF
Markham, M. R. (2013). Electrocyte physiology: 50 years later. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216, 2451-2458. Markham, M. R., Kaczmarek, L. K., Zakon, H. H. (2013). A sodium-activated potassium channel supports high-frequency firing and reduces energetic costs during rapid modulations of action potential amplitude. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109, 1713-1723. Markham, M. R., Stoddard, P. K. (2013). Cellular mechanisms of developmental and sex differences in the rapid hormonal modulation of a social communication signal. Hormones and Behavior. 63, 586-597. Markham, M.R., McAnelly, M.L., Stoddard, P.K., Zakon, H.H. (2009). Circadian and social cues regulate ion channel trafficking. PLoS Biology, 7, e1000203. Free Access Online
Allee S.J., Markham M.R., Stoddard P.K. (2009) Androgens enhance plasticity of an electric communication signal in female knifefish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Hormones and Behavior, 56, 264-273. PDF Markham, M.R., Allee, S.J., Goldina, A., Stoddard, P.K. (2009). Melanocortins regulate the electric waveforms of gymnotiform electric fish. Hormones and Behavior, 55, 306-313. PDF. Stoddard, P.K. & Markham, M.R. (2008) Signal cloaking by electric fish. Bioscience, 58, 415-424. Request Reprint by Email Allee S.J., Markham M.R., Salazar V.L., Stoddard P.K. (2008) Opposing actions of 5HT1A and 5HT2-like serotonin receptors on modulations of the electric signal waveform in the electric fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Hormones and Behavior, 53, 481-488. PDF Stoddard P.K., Markham M.R., Salazar V.L., Allee S. (2007) Circadian rhythms in electric waveform structure and rate in the electric fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Physiology and Behavior, 90, 11-20. PDFStoddard P. K., Zakon H., Markham M. R., & McAnelly M. L. (2006) Regulation and modulation of electric waveforms in gymnotiform electric fish. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 192, 613-624. PDF Markham M. R. & Stoddard P. K. (2005). Adrenocorticotropic hormone enhances the masculinity of an electric communication signal by modulating the waveform and timing of action potentials within individual cells. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 8746-8754. PDF Stoddard, P. K., Markham, M. R., & Salazar, V. L. (2003). Serotonin modulates the electric waveform of the gymnotiform electric fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 206, 1353-1362 PDF Basic and Applied Psychology Markham, R. G., & Markham, M. R. (2002). On the role of covarying functions in stimulus class formation and transfer of function. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78, 509-524. PDF Markham, M. R., Dougher, M. J, & Augustson, E. (2002). Transfer of operant discrimination and respondent elicitation via emergent relations of compound stimuli. The Psychological Record, 52, 325-350. PDF Lumpkin, P. W., Silverman, W. K. Weems, C. F., Markham, M. R., & Kurtines, W. M. (2002). Treating a heterogeneous set of anxiety disorders in youths with group cognitive behavioral therapy: A partially nonconcurrent multiple-baseline evaluation. Behavior Therapy, 33, 163-177. Purdy, J. E., Markham, M. R., Schwartz, B. L., & Gordon, W. C. (2001). Learning and memory (2e). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Augustson, E. M., Dougher, M. J., & Markham, M. R. (2000). Emergence of conditional stimulus relations and transfer of respondent eliciting functions among compound stimuli. The Psychological Record, 50, 745-770. PDF Markham, M. R., & Gallogly, R. H. (1997). Does language make humans more than clever apes? Review of Language and Human Behavior by Derek Bickerton. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 30, 185-186. Markham, M. R., Butt, A. E., & Dougher, M. J. (1996). A touch-screen apparatus for training visual discriminations in hooded rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 173-182. PDF Markham, M. R., & Branscum E., Finlay, C., & Roark, R. (1996). Experimental analysis of respondent conditioning in humans. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 14. Dougher, M. J. & Markham, M. R. (1996). Stimulus classes and the untrained acquisition of function. T. R. Zentall and P. M. Smeets (Eds.) Advances in Psychology Series: The Formation of Stimulus Classes. North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. Markham, M. R. (1995). Truth, philosophy and behavioral science: A reply to Hocutt. Behavior and Philosophy, 23, 73-78. PDF Greenway, D. E., Dougher, M. J., & Markham, M. R. (1995). S+/S- reversal procedures may not result in functional equivalence. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 13, 16-17. Dougher, M. J., Augustson, E. M., Markham, M. R., Greenway, D. E., & Wulfert, E. (1994). The transfer of respondent eliciting and extinction functions through stimulus equivalence classes. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 62, 331-351. PDF Augustson, Markham, & Dougher (1994). A methodological note regarding human classical conditioning. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 12, 6-17. Dougher, M. J. & Markham, M. R. (1994). Stimulus equivalence, functional equivalence, and the transfer of function. In S. C. Hayes, M. Sato, L. Hayes, & K. Ono (Eds.), Language and Cognitive Events: A Behavior Analytic Perspective. Reno, NV: Context Press. Markham, M. R., & Dougher M. J. (1993). Compound stimuli in emergent stimulus relations: Extending the scope of stimulus equivalence. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 60, 529-542. PDF Markham, M. R. (1993). An interface for controlling external devices via the IBM PC/XT/AT parallel port. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 25, 477-478. PDF Markham, M. R., Dougher, M. J. & Wulfert, E. (1993). Social contingencies and the effects of punishment in alcoholics and nonalcoholics. Behavior Therapy, 24, 277-284. PDF Markham, M. R., Miller, W. R. & Arciniega, L. (1993) BACCuS 2.01: Computer software for quantifying alcohol consumption. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 25, 420-421. |
Updated May 30, 2022 |